DeBateau Family: Round 2 Slideshow | Deleted Moments

Armand hopping out of his helicopter.

I had Armand DeBateau test our little soccer field, but I didn't save what I had done. There were a few interesting moments in the test session, and I really want to share them with you! The soccer field moments are the slides numbered four to eight.

  1. Tara and Justin hanging out by the sunflower fields.
  2. Jessica Peterson walking past, but she decided to leave Armand alone.
  3. Armand arriving home from work, still sitting inside the helicopter. (He should have his own helipad!)
  4. Armand playing a game with Chastity Gere as Joe Graham tries to flirt with Allyn Thomason.
  5. Closeup of Allyn's expression.
  6. Closeup of Joe's expression.
  7. Armand scoping the room - he finds Lance Greer attractive!
  8. Armand greeting Lance Greer.


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