Vivian and Etsu getting their photographs. |
There was one clip that I wanted to include in this episode, but I couldn't because the footage was stuttering. There are four things in that clip that I want to show to you:
Timothy praised Maxx for not chewing on the furniture, and then Maxx's progress bar for being respectful filled up.
(Also, Timothy's bank account started to earn interest.)
After that, I went to Maxx's learned behaviours panel. There, you can see how far he is with the other behaviours.
Sally rolled the Want to do her homework. She had completed her homework the day before, so she couldn't fulfil that Want, but as I said in this episode, Sally has changed concerning school. She wants to do well.
Timothy teaching Maxx to be respectful. |
Maxx's learned behaviours. |
Sally wants to work on her homework. |
I don't like it when I can't use footage, but if it's corrupted then it's corrupted. In the past, I took screenshots of corrupted footage, and then included the pictures in the episode. Gabriel going to the graveyard and then meeting with Samantha is an example. Those screenshots came from corrupted footage, but I didn't inform the audience why I was using screenshots instead of video. I swept the issue of corrupted footage under the rug. I'm not going to do that again, instead I'll simply state that I lost important footage and then I'll describe the situation and show the screenshots. Simple as that.
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