Timothy Riley and Sally Riley: Round 1 Bio

Timothy and Sally dancing in the playground

The Riley duo – a young surgeon looking for a better future and a daughter trying to do better after growing up badly – moved to Belladonna Cove. Timothy Riley soon met the lovely Vivian Cho at work, and he was happy to realise that they got along well, but when it dawned upon him that they were living at the same apartment complex, Timothy positively beamed! The scholar in him was imagining the long evenings they could share discussing the latest medical journals. 

But the fantasy vanished like mist before the sun when he realised that Vivian Cho was a busy lady, constantly keeping one eye and ear on an adorable toddler. 

A different sim would have drawn a line after a young child entered the picture, but Timothy found himself becoming even more enchanted by Vivian. His fantasies slowly changed as the months passed, as the Riley duo found their feet, and he waited, waited ever so patiently, for a sign from his neighbour and colleague that she was as interested in him as he was interested in her.

One day, at an intimate birthday party for Vivian’s daughter, Timothy took a deep breath. And held Vivian’s hand. The birthday party was the beginning of their romance. 

And now the two families – Riley and Cho – have united.

However, the big question is this: will the two families truly become one or will they come apart at the seams and then separate?

Timothy Riley:
Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: TBD
LTW: become a Chief of Staff

  • Timothy’s head over heels in love with Vivian, sits daydreaming on the couch
  • Timothy likes to recite poetry in public, but he’s not particularly good at it
  • Timothy (and Sally) like to stay up late

Unfulfilled wants:
  • buy a bird cage
  • go jogging (Timothy’s conscious of exercising and keeping healthy)
  • go on vacation (with Vivian)

Notable events for the first round:
  • Sally’s into Sports, doesn’t care a whit about Music & Dance, but she does play the piano so that she can bond with Timothy. Timothy, Vivian, and Etsu love Music & Dance and that may cause jealously for Sally
  • Timothy and Vivian got married soon after Timothy popped the big question. Did they get married a bit too quickly?
  • Sally became BFFs with Vivian and she’s still not BFFs with Timothy
  • Timothy and Etsu had a disagreement (about Work), but they got along well later, just before Timothy proposed to Vivian. Will they get along under one roof?

Various screenshots of Timothy/Sally’s first round:

  1. Sally loads up a game, and outside, Samantha stands still for a moment just to breathe in the crisp air
  2. Vivian telling Lana all about her promotion, but Lana doesn’t want to hear about it
  3. Lana really doesn’t like hearing about Vivian’s promotion
  4. Sally charming Dough the Headmaster
  5. Doug the Headmaster appreciating the smell of their dinner as he leaves
  6. Timothy enjoying the early morning rain just before he leaves for work
  7. Vivian and Lana on the swings
  8. Vivian and Lana talking about cooking while Dylan checks out Vivian
  9. Sally enjoying a game of soccer
  10. Vivian and Timothy after kissing, Etsu eying them
  11. Timothy accepting the pizza delivery
  12. Timothy loving the smell of hot pizza
  13. Timothy reading the health section in the newspaper
  14. Lana punching the air
  15. Lana loves to play with children in the playground
  16. Timothy and Sally arriving at Central Park West
  17. Timothy inspecting the photo he took with Sally
  18. Timothy inspecting the photo he took with Sally as Sally heads over to the microphone
  19. Timothy collecting the love letter from Vivian
  20. Dylan catching butterflies
  21. Lana catching butterflies
  22. Sally shooting off the slide
  23. Timothy and Sally enjoying breakfast together
  24. Vivian and Etsu disagreeing in the playground
  25. Lana tickling Vivian
  26. Feeling left out, Dylan also tickles Vivian
  27. The Riley and Cho families arrive at the park
  28. Timothy dipping Vivian while they dance
  29. Timothy and Vivian cuddling under the stars
  30. Phoebe Adams leaving the park


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