Behind the Scenes: Belladonna Cove | Episode 4.1
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Vivian and Lana getting to know each other |
Oh, it felt so good to go directly to a household that's involved with the previous household. Because for Gabriel, we have to wait for the Cordial sisters. For Jessica, we have to wait for Carlos Contender. But now, we finished the round with the Cho ladies and then hopped over to the Riley family. Which is exciting!
It wasn't exciting to discover that Sally Riley has a LTW. My heart skipped a beat, because I knew that children don't have LTWs, but as you know, I haven't played with the pre-mades before, so I wasn't aware that Sally is one of the four pre-made children who have a LTW. Unusual, but there it is, so my heart settled a bit, phew!
And speaking about Sally: she grew up badly at one point, but now she's doing well, and she even charmed a certain sim in this episode. So, she's growing up well - really, really well - and that (growing up, that is) takes me to the mod I mentioned in episode 3.3, the Grow Up Wants Panel mod by Nopke. I'm going to repeat myself, as I almost always do in episodes, but I'm so looking forward to that mod.
Some sims will grow up well, some won't, some will be just A-Okay. There will be good chapters, decent chapters, and terrible chapters in a sim's life (well, I hope it will be like that, but that makes me sound so very terrible, oh dear!) and that combination will create a want and fear panel that will be (slightly) different from sim to sim. Well, that's how I see it. Will it actually happen? Time will tell, oh yes it will!
Also, I did toy with the idea of giving Sally an extra fear slot because she grew up badly (before you start playing with her), but if I do that for Sally, then I'd have to do that for every other sim in the neighbourhood. So, nope. I'd rather stick with the upgrade option for adult and elder sims. That's it. But I'm so excited for the next generation, because that means I get to see how they'll grow up at every birthday. Grow up well, badly or fantastically!
Lastly (and again, I remembered this because I'm speaking about growing up), I'm considering to put the Newson family in Belladonna Cove, but I first have to find a good location for them. Also, I checked out that mod I mentioned in the episode (it's the Phones for All mod by BoilingOil). Sims are able to call nearly every sim with that mod, just not children. So, if I want Sally to call Gallagher, I'll have to put the Newson family in a lot, give them a phone, and then they can hangout whenever they want to. I felt so bad to send the little guy home right after he got there.
Also, one last thing, I still need to look at Belladonna Cove and make a decision: which home will be perfect for Timothy and his specific requirements?
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